SUPER CLASS: Plotting Via Motivation

LaurieSchnebly (1)

by Laurie Schnebly Campbell

March 3-28, 2025
(limited to 30 people)

Prerequisite: Must have a one-sentence idea, nothing more, to develop in class.

Motivation is what drives your story. Any of us could write a book in which the characters set out for a three hour tour and get shipwrecked on an uncharted desert isle. We’ve seen what seven such characters would do…over and over and over again. But what would YOURS do? If you nail down any character’s motivation, it doesn’t matter whether the ship capsizes or lands safely three hours later. Your characters will create a plot from WHATEVER happens, because you’ve got their motivation built in from the very beginning. Find out how, with a workshop that covers:

  • Your biggest question in motivation
  • The surprising core that makes it possible
  • How deep do you go?
  • The Motivation Checklist, with 14 blanks
  • Difference between Goal and Motivation
  • Using motivation to build your plot

Laurie Schnebly Campbell ( loves seeing familiar writers, including bestselling veterans, who repeat this class anytime they start a new project…as well as newcomers who’ve never tried plotting via motivation before. Her individual, hands-on feedback to each (always optional) assignment is why she now has 50+ novels on her bookshelf from authors who’ve loved her class.

$90 per class ($85 if paid by check) at Register

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